What Is Honeycomb Calcite?
Honeycomb Calcite is a beautiful and impressive form of calcite
mined exclusively in the United States of America

What is Honeycomb Calcite… resembling onyx and marble in many aspects, serves as a vibrant alternative or striking accent stone for architectural and artistic endeavors. Its name derives from the striking honeycomb pattern visible on its polished surface, created by the growth of long fibrous or tubular cells and crystals of honey-yellow calcite outlined by white membranes surrounding each cell.
The cells of Honeycomb Calcite grow in needle-like bundles, providing the stone with robustness and stability, allowing for the extraction and processing of larger pieces. Distinguishing features of this stone include its diverse color palette, intricate patterns, translucency, transparency, ability to achieve a high polish, and resistance to fading in sunlight compared to other forms of calcite. The stone’s color spectrum ranges from a gentle, pale sunshine lemon yellow to a deep, luxurious honey-golden amber, depending on the stone’s thickness, with the coloring attributed to Sulphur deposits during formation.
The patterns within Honeycomb Calcite vary based on the location of cell growth, from a dense “honey sugar” arrangement of small hexagonal cells to expansive areas resembling “petrified honey,” where cells reach maximum growth and minimal cell walls are visible. The stone’s transparency and translucency allow it to emit a radiant glow when illuminated by artificial or natural lighting, either directly or indirectly.
Honeycomb Calcite is exceptionally suitable for cutting, carving, polishing, and various decorative stone applications. Extensive testing confirms that the stone does not fluoresce, further enhancing its appeal for architectural and artistic endeavors.